
Gott Nytt År/ Happy New Year / Hemligheter/ Secrets

Ett gott nytt år till alla mina läsare.
Jag hoppas att det också blir ett givande kviltår för oss alla som älskar att sy ihop små bitar tyg.
Jag har tjuvstartat lite med några nya projekt både för Rikstäcket och i Madame Samms blog hop
In your Words där jag skall presentera mitt bidrag 15 januari och sedan har jag hoppat på nästa blog hop med Dresden block. Tänk att jag har så svårt för för att säga nej till utmaningar.
Här kommer några smygtittar på det jag håller på med just nu, visar bara lite, eftersom det är lite hemligt.
Jag kan bara säga att jag har testat en ny teknik och det är jättekul. Man kan dessutom använda många restbitar, fast jag tycker om att sy strukterat, även när det gäller restbitar. Har väldigt svårt att blanda allt för mycket, utan att tänka på färgerna.

I wish you a Happy New Year and many finished quilty projects next year. You know it is so fun to start and sometimes very hard to get them finished and quilted.
 I have started with some new projects and patterns for our Swedish Quilt Guild and I am only showing two  sneak peaks from one of the projects. I have used fabric from my stash, this time most of them were scraps, a good way to make new fabric.
 I have also started the project for the next blog hop from Madame Samm In your words which I will present 15th of January. And it is sew fun and I think there will be at least two different things I will sew. Some days ago there is a new blog hop sewing Dresden and I am of course in there too. I have made some Dresden before and it is sew fun and the blocks turned out sew beautiful, last time I tried.

Söta fåglar/ Sweet birds

Detalj / Detail

Bara ord / Some Words



Nu är gröten på spisen , börjar alltid julaftonen med att äta nykokt risgröt. I går snöade det rejält, men idag är det plusgrader, så den mesta snön är nog försvunnen i eftermiddag och sköljs troligen bort av regn.
Lite bilder på mina tomtar och blommor, handgjorda och gamla julsaker, som alltid brukar vara framme på jularna. Njut av ledigheten och friden!!!
Merry Christmas!
I am waiting for the Christmas rice pudding, I always start Christmas Eve with this. 
It was snowing yesterday but today the snow is nearly gone and with warmer weather and rain, I think there will be no snow here in the afternoon.
I have some picture of my Santas and some other old fashioned Christmas ornaments and traditional Christmas flowers.
Enjoy the holiday!!


Craftsy BOM

Jag har under den senaste tiden gått på kurs hos Craftsy. Jag har anmält mig till flera kurser till en billig penning, knapp två hundra kronor och ibland har jag fått en kurs för en hundralapp. Man har tillgång till många bra lärare, kan fråga hur mycket som helst och skicka in bilder på det man syr enligt kursen.
Jag anmälde mig för ett tag sedan till Leah Days kurs där hon visar frihandskviltning.
Hon utgår från Craftsys gratisklass med BOM. Man kunde köpa färdiga paneler att kvilta på, men jag valde att sy blocken. Det har varit kul att sy dem, totalt 20 block. Jag skall kvilta varje block för sig, men först skall de ramas in med mellanremsor och sedan läggas ihop med baksida och vadd.
Jag har använt en del av mina batiktyger och sedan vanligt svart bomullstyg.
Här är några bilder där jag lagt ut blocken på golvet hemma. Täcket skall vara 5x4 block stort när det är hopsytt och klart.
I have been busy sewing Craftsy´s BOM the last weeks. I have taken several classes from Craftsy´s as they have several good classes and teachers. The last class for me now is a FMQ class, where Leah Day is quilting the blocks from Craftsy´s BOM. I am going to quilts each individual block separately and then sew them together after quilting.
I have taken some pictures from the 20 blocks in placed in no special order on my floor.
The fabric is batic and black cotton fabric. I think this quilt will be very colorful and I am surely looking forward to Leah´s class.


Godsaker från USA/ Goodies from US

Ni som känner min tygsmak vid det här laget vet också att Laurel Burch är en av mina favoritdesigners när det gäller lapptäckstyger. En annan är Kaffe Fasset.
När jag fick veta att en ny linje var på gång i november /december var jag inte sen att lägga in en preliminär beställning av tygerna. Och sedan har jag väntat och väntat. Beställningen gjorde jag redan tidigt i höst hos en av mina favoritaffärer Over the Rainbow och sedan har jag väntat och väntat.
Laura meddelade den 1 december att tygerna var skeppade och sedan har jag väntat igen. Det brukar bara ta en vecka, men som tur är hade inte mina tyger fastnat i tullen.
Och tygerna är underbara, med fantastiska katter, som även jag som inte är en kattälskare inte kan annat än älska. Nu skall jag klappa tygerna ett tag, innan jag sätter kniven och saxen i dem. Det blir först en mindre grej, till en ny utmaning på Sew We Quilt, där tygerna kommer att passa jättebra.

One of my favorite designers is Laurel Burch and when I read that there was a new line coming in December this year I had to preorder some yards from my favorite on line shop in US
Over the Rainbow. My preorder was in the early automn and I have waited since then for the line to be delivered to the shops. 
I have still some yards left from earlier designs and the best thing is that they fit in very good in the newer designs. Don´t you think the design is lovely. I love dogs more than cats but the cats drawn by Laurel Burch are so beautiful. 


Kaffe Fasset duk och vinst/ Kaffe Fasset table topper and a win

I dag var jag ute i det härliga vintervädret och fotograferade mitt senaste alster. Det är en duk där jag lekt med tyger designade av Kaffe Fasset och använt ett mönster som jag fått hos Eva på Quiltameva i Malmö. Det blev en riktigt läcker duk, men den var lite besvärlig att kvilta, på grund av det tunna bakgrundstyget också från Kaffe Fasset och den tunna vadden.

I was out in the wonderful winter weather and took a picture of my latest work, a table topper made from fabrics designed by Kaffe Fasset. The pattern is from a local quilt shop and it was very fun to play with the bright colors. It is a table topper where the bright and bold colors that make me happy.
My Kaffe Fasset table topper

Ni kan tro att jag blev glad när jag såg här Sew We Quilt att jag vunnit någon av dessa tygbuntar från Andover Fabrics.

I am a happy winner of one of these bundles from Andover fabrics. It was in a give away here Sew We Quilt


Ett hjärtelapptäcke / A quilt with warming hearts

Idag begav sig Kerstin, en kviltvänoch jag ut i snöovädret för att gratulera en en annan quiltvän, som fyller år i dag och som vi tyckte behöver en go kvilt att värma sig i medan hon skaffar nya krafter och blir frisk.
Täcket består av 43 block med hjärtan och ett kattblock, som vi tror kommer att värma vår vän, när hon känner sig frusen och behöver lite tröst. Alla kviltblocken är sydda av hennes kviltvänner, som sytt sina tankar i sina block  och sedan har Kerstin och jag satt ihop dem efter alla konstens regler. Kerstin har sytt framsida och baksida och sedan har jag kviltat täcket.
Täcket är ganska stort , 140 x 180 cm och kommer att vara härligt att svepa in sig i. Vår vän blev överraskad och mycket glad över gåvan från kviltvännerna.

My friend Kerstin and I was today out in the stormy snow weather to visit a friend, who has her birthday today, to give her a quilt with hearts. The quilt is made from 43 heartblocks and one block with a cat, and all the blocks are sewn by quilt friends who know our friend.
I think this quilt will keep her warm and comfort her during her recovery.
Kerstin and I have put the quilt together, Kerstin sew the quilt top and the backing  and I have made the quilting.
The quilt is big enough to warm her 54x72 inches a good big lap size. Our friend became very surprised and very happy of the gift from her quilt friends.
Hjärttäcke framsida

Hjärttäcke baksida


Mitt Skåne / My county Skåne

Öresundsquiltarna har sedan i våras haft en uppmaning till medlemmarna att sy ett block som visar hur vi uppfattar vårt landskap Skåne. Jag har hela tiden tänkt mig sy en stork, en fågelart  som tidigare var utrotad i Skåne, bl.a. beroende på att en stor del av våtmarkerna i landskapet var försvunna.
Men nu har man tack vare Storkprojektet  fått storken att föröka sig och komma tillbaka efter den långa resan till Afrika.
Storken har jag ritat och sedan sytt med applikationsteknik och några broderistygn. Den ser nästan levande ut tycker jag.
My quilting guild has since spring a challenge for the members to sew a quilt block with a motive of something that is distintive for our county Skåne. I have since then some thoughts to sew a storch, a bird that before was distintive for our county, but disappeared from our county 1954.
 But since 1992 there is a project Storch project (there is a translation button) to get the white storch to survive and reproduce in the county. I have sketched the storch and made it in appliqué and some embroidery stitches. I think it turned out quite good.


Holiday Lane

Sew we quilt

Today I'm participating in the Holiday Lane blog hop with the lovely Madame Samm at Sew We Quilt. Thanks to our super-organized cheerleader, Pauline 
from Quilt´n Queen and  Jill from Jillilly Studios for her wonderful pattern with the decorated houses for Christmas.

And as  it is the right time now  to start counting down for Christmas to decorate our house and home with some festive things why not start with a beautiful pillow.

I have made some Swedish touches to my pillow, more to look like a street with houses as they may appear in my country side if we are lucky to get some snow.
First of all I must tell you about our Scandinavian Yule Goat, the Christmas Goat which is one of our oldest and most popular of all Swedish Christmas images and the goat will of course appear on my pillow.

In older times , however, the Christmas Goat reputed to be much more adventurous and dangerous, and was associated with both fertility and dark powers.

Yule Goat, the Christmas Goat could be in different images.

He could emerge as the handing out Christmas presents,before even Santa appeared to give Christmas presents. The Goat could also be a mischievous participant in Christmas escapades , or as a supernatural being which shadowy approached estates in midwinter.

 Parents could threaten with the  Christmas goat, if the kids did not behave, he would come and gore them.

Here is a picture of my Christmas goat, he is handmade of wool and I have had him in my home for several years, a image of a real goat.

My Christmas Goat in wool

In folklore the  Harvest-goat was a symbol of fertility. The goat was  usually made ​​from the last sheaf of straw from the past year with the desire for a good recovery following year.

The modern version of the Yule Goat figure is a decorative goat made out of straw and bound with red ribbons, a popular Christmas ornament often found under the Christmas tree. Large versions of this ornament are frequently erected in towns and cities around Christmas time .

And I have had my Christmas Goat made from straw in mind when I added a bigger version to my pillow.
My Christmas Goat made of straw

I must admit that I had to make some Swedish touches on my pillow besides the goat. In Advent, that is four weeks before Christmas Day, there will be lights in most of the windows, the Swedish Advent candlesticks and there will also be some electric stars lightning up the dark days and nights during December.
You will find the lights and the star in one of the windows on my pillow. 

My Christmas Lane

Some lights and a star in one window
And as the nights are  dark there must be some stars to light up the neighborhood.

The Christmas goat and the Advent candle stick in the window

I have also modified the instruction by making an inner pillow form and insert a zipper at the back.

And before visiting all the other Holiday Lanes my old fashioned Swedish Santa will say hello to you and wish you a festive coming Christmas

My old fashioned Santa

Here is the other wonderful lanes to visit today
Apple Avenue Quilts
Celtic Thistle Stitches
Quilt Doodle Doodles
Tink´s Mom
I Piece 2 Mary
Ninis Patchwork
Hallbrook Designs

Have a nice day and a for you in US a wonderful Thanksgiving 

Britt-Inger in Malmö, Sweden


Britta och Greta /Britta and Greta

Britta har också fått en söt klänning och nu sitter de finklädda väninnorna i soffan och väntar på att kalaset skall börja.
Britta´s dress is done and the cute  best friends are sitting in my sofa waiting for the party to begin.


U R Priceless

The new bloghop has begun and this time the first day of the hop is my day to present my cute coin purses. But first of all a big Swedish hug to Madame Samm and Katherine for hosting this priceless blog hop.
I must say that I have had some problems to get the purse frames in time to make my purses. I have first contacted a shop on Etsy from Portugal in September where I found some very cute frames. But the frames  were not even shipped after a month  and I didn´t get any contact with the shop owner in spite of several reminders. Then I had to buy from an other internet shop, as I couldn´t find any shop here in Sweden which had   purse frames.  
Finally I ordered frames from ebay, China and Etsy Great Britain, but in a slight different form that could fit the pattern designed by Madame Samm.
Two days ago the shop owner from Portugal contacted me and informed me that she had been on vacations and was very sorry. She returned my money and that´s the story with the first problems with my purses.
My big problem then was the decision of fabric. I can´t understand why this is always a very big problems as I have yards of fabric in my stash. But I think this is a problem that I share with thousands of quilters.
And then I had to reconstruct the pattern to fit my purse frames. I love freeze paper, I use it when I make templates and it is then so easy to iron it on the fabric. I reconstructed the templates on the freeze paper and voila there were my templates to fit my purse frames.
My first coin purse were made from fabric designed Loralie, I love her cute ladies
The first cute lady on one side

The second cute lady on the other side

Inside the first purse

My second choice of fabric was design from Laurel Birch. And as birds are my favorite pets and animals the motives were natural, some parrots of course.
One side of the purse

The other side

Inside the second purse

I have now presented you for my purses and now it is time for you to see and admire all the other purses of today

Go and visit and have fun looking at all the goodies from all the other participating ladies today

Greta har fått en kompis/ Greta´s new friend

Kommer ni ihåg Greta? Do you remember Greta?


Gretas kompis heter Britta och hon är bara så söt i sin lilla kolt med elefanter och randiga strumpor.
Nu väntar hon på sin nya klänning. Jag fick också sytt färdigt en liten  japansk påse efter ett mönster som Namie hos Quiltameva har gjort.
Britta is the name of Greta´s new friend. Don´t you think she is the cutest thing with her frock with elephants? She is waiting for  a new dress. The small purse is from Namie from the local quilt shop here in Malmö.

Don´t forget the new blog hop beginning tomorrow!!!


Svävande remsor / Floating strips

I går blev jag klar med duken, som blev resultatet av den nya teknik, som min väninna Karin visade mig i söndags. Tekniken hade hon lärt sig på kurs på  Rikstäckets årsmöte för Yvonne Kervinen .
Det var så kul och är en klart vanebildande teknik,  att jag har planer att sy mer senare. Remsorna, sydda av Kaffe Fassets rester ser ut att sväva i det svarta. Nästa projekt kommer att bli en löpare med vit bakgrund. Jag har kviltat med en rayontråd som skiftar från grått till svart och med vanlig raksöm, några millimeter utanför sömmarna. En liten härlig duk att pryda vilket bord som helst.

I have yesterday finished a small tablecloth, the result from testing a new technic, which my friend Karin has taught me last Sunday. She has learned the technic from a class taught by a Swedish quilter Yvonne Kervinen. It is sew addictive and there will surely be more from me with this technic.
The strips are from Kaffe Fassets and they seems to float among the black background fabric.
I have chosen to quilt just a bit outside the seams with a rayon variated thread from grey to black.
The tablecloth is so  beautiful and will embellish any table.


Testar ny teknik / Testing

Nu har jag sytt två börsar till nästa blog hop hos Sew We Quilt, ursöta, men visas först på måndag.
Så ni får fortsätta vara nyfikna några dagar till.
Jag har samtidigt hållit på att testa att fälla in smala böjda remsor i svart bottentyg. Detta är en teknik, som min goda vän Karin lärt på kurs hos Yvonne Kervinen, när Rikstäcket hade årsmöte i Falun för en knapp månad sedan. Jättekul teknik och klart vanebildande.
Jag har sytt början till två block, tanken är att sy fyra block och sedan sätta ihop till en liten duk.
Här är ett litet smakprov
My purses for U R Priceless are done. They are supercute but you must wait until 5th of November to see them. You have to be curios some more days!!!
I have also tested a new technic inserting small curved strips into solid fabric. My friend Karin has taught me from a class she has been too four weeks ago in Falun. The technic was introduced in the class by a teacher Yvonne Kervinen.
I have sewn two blocks the beginning of a small table cloth with four blocks.
This technic is very addictive and I think I will then test to insert solid fabrics into some Kaffe Fasset´s fabric. It is sew fun!!!


Gretas klänning/ Greta´s dress

Nu har jag sytt en klänning och en cape till Greta. Klänningen är vändbar , liksom capen.
Jag tyckte hon blev riktigt fin i sin klänning.
I have now made a dress and a cape to Greta. The dress and the cape are  reversible.
Isn´t she cute in her clothes?
Greta in her new dress

The other side of the dress

Greta with her cape


Dockan Greta / Greta the doll

Får jag presentera Greta som jag sydde i går och idag. Mönstret har jag köpt på internet hos
 RetroMama. Dockan var kul att sy, lite pillig, fick fixa lite, eftersom min maskin nafsade bort en hörna, när jag sydde. Nu skall jag sy kläder till henne, fast hon egentligen redan har kläder på. Dockan skall jag behålla själv, men om man syr till små barn, får man sy filtknappar i stället de bling bling knappar som jag sytt. Jag tror att hon skall få en kompis Britta lite senare. Tygerna som jag använt är Kaffe tyger naturligtvis.
May I introduce you to Greta, a doll I have finished today from starting yesterday. The pattern is from 
RetroMama. Greta was fun to sew, even if I had some problems with my sewing machine, that ate a corner of the doll. I had to solve the problem with adding a heart in felt in the corner of her dress.
I have embellished the doll with some buttons of glass as this will be only mine and not a gift to a child.
I will now sew a dress for her and a cape, because it is fun and later I will sew her a friend, Britta.
Don´t you think she is a cutie. The fabric is from my favorite Kaffe Fasset.


Harrys täcke Harry´s quilt

I går var jag hemma hos mina föräldrar och då passade jag på att fotografera täcket som jag sytt till min systers nya barnbarn Harry. Jag sydde det efter ett mönster i Rikstäcket nr 93, som kom i våras. Då hade jag sytt mönstertäcket i vitt bakgrundstyg och med charms, men nu ville jag använda upp de barntyger som jag samlat under några års tid. Sedan ville jag ha färgerna att lysa och valde svart bakgrundstyg. Jag har kviltat täcket med raka linjer och runt om stjärnorna. Sedan har jag använt mönstersömmar i bårderna.
Jag använde också rester till bakstycket, köpte bara lite blått enfärgat tyg på Stoff och Stil. Kvilttråden på framsidan är en rayontråd som skiftar från grått till svart och baksidan har en flerfärgad tråd.
Min maskin är nyservad och den syr som en dröm.
I took yesterday a daytrip to my parents. I took some nice pictures in my parents garden  of the quilt that I have made for my sister´s newly born grandchild, a boy named Harry. I had some children fabrics in my stash that I wanted to use. I only had to buy some solid blue fabric for some pieces on the back side of the quilt.
I used a pattern that I have made before in white and with a charmpack, but this time I wanted to use up as much as possible of my scraps and from my stash. As children love colors, the fabric is very colorful and that is why I have chosen solid black as background. I have also made a pieced backing full of color.
Harry´s quilt

Harry´s quilt backing

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My Wicked day

It´s my  wicked day and time for the witch  to fly


We don´t have Halloween in Sweden, the commercial interests couldn´t get  the Swedes to be influenced to feast Halloween. You could see some pumpkins for sale in the shops, but not so much more. No spiders, no skeletons and no ghosts and not even one witch.
At first I  hadn´t any idea what to sew, and I  started to blame myself being so hasty to hop in something that I  couldn´t maybe  manage to get something out of it. 

But as I love challenges, I thought  there must be some solutions to my problems and I must find some idea of what to create.

I started to google in order  to find some Halloween posters to get inspirations to create my wicked projects.
And what I found were Halloween witches that seemed to be   some kindreds and look alike to our Påskkäringar,  Easter bitches. 

Påskkärring is very much part of the old Easter traditions even into Christian times and some traditions are still practiced.

Påskkärring is a witch with a hideous face and a large nose, dressed in head cloth and a wide robe, flying through the air on a broomstick. The stick should be used with the broom in front (often wrongly depicted). With her on the broomstick is a black cat (always a symbol of bad luck and sometimes a transformation of the devil) and a coffee-pot (coffee grains were used to predict the future or cast evil spells).

All påskkärringar (plural form) gather on the hill Blåkulla for a "congress" during the  Easter where they meet with the devil. The major travelling days are Wednesday and Maundy Thursday. Many claims have been made as to where in Sweden this Blåkulla is located. A recent claim is on Blå Jungfrun, a small island i between the Öland island and the mainland.

I then got the fantastic idea to transform a Swedish påskkärring to an American Halloween witch with a Swedish touch.
I started to sketch and draw my witch and I have had so fun making my wicked lady with the necessary attributes, but I found it difficult to  give her a large nose and  grim face, my witch is maybe to pretty but I think she is cool.

I started with a grey background fabric  of 12,5 inches square,

My  witch is enjoying her journey through the blowing  winds lazy  resting on the broomstick,  as it was a flying carpet with her head on  a big fat cat as her pillow. Her companions are a black raven sitting on her knee and a big spider on her breast. And don´t you love her sexy  stockings and her boots.

 The landscape is Swedish with a church tower embellished with a golden cock, here is the Swedish touch to the Halloween.
Dont you think she is a very cool and wicked lady??
I had so fun making the witch and I hope that you will enjoy my wicked wall quilt and my story of the Swedish påskkärring.
I hope  that I have given you  some good and hearty laughters.

A great thanks for Madame Samm and Wendy Witch for organizing and doing this fantastic blog hop

This was my wicked project and be more wicked and visit the other wicked ladies today

Hill Valley Quilter (That´s me)