
Kviltning av Henrietta Whiskers /Quilting Henrietta Whiskers

I torsdags eftermiddag började jag att kvilta min Henrietta Whiskers, en väggkvilt som jag sytt efter en gratis BOM från Bunny Hill. Jag har sytt alla applikationer för hand, men all kviltning gör jag på maskin. Jag har hittills kviltat fyra block och än så länge har jag flyt på kviltningen.
Här kommer några smakprov av vad jag gjort så här långt
I have started to quilt my Henrietta Whiskers, a wall quilt from a BOM from Bunny Hill. I have made all appliqué by hand, but I have started to quilt by machine. I have so far quilted four blocks and it has been so fun so far, with no use of the seam ripper.


MIn höstväska / My new fall purse

Under tiden som jag sytt mina prickiga projekt har jag också sytt en ny väska för hösten. Jag köpte Annakas mönster på Gladväska när mönstret var nytt 2005. Men sedan dess har mönstret legat och jag hade nästan glömt bort det. Men nu har jag sytt efter den och mönstret är verkligen jättebra. Kommer kanske att göra smärre förändringar, när jag syr nästa väska, där jag kommer att använda gamla jeans som huvudtyg och förmodligen kombinera det med Kaffe Fasset tyger, ja ni vet jag har hans tyger som en stor favorit.
Jag har visat några bilder under arbetets gång, men nu är väskan klar och jag kan visa den. Kombinationen av ylletyg, grov tweed och bomullstyger, blev bara så bra tycker jag.
During the blog hop Dots on Dots I have also sewn a new purse for fall. The purse is from a pattern by a Norwegian design which I have had in my stash since 2005, when the pattern was published.
But I had nearly forgotten it and found it when I was searching for something else. I have now sewn a purse following the pattern, but I have used wool tweed instead of cotton fabric and combined it with scraps of quilt fabric designed by Laurel Burch, one of my favorite designers, the other one is Kaffe Fasset. The pattern is very good and I will soon sew one more purse using old jeans as main fabric, and yes, what could be more fantastic, some of my Kaffe Fassets scraps as details. 
I have had some sneak peak on my blog during the work with my purse but now it is finished. And I must say that I love how it turned out.
Väska hjärtformad knapp / Purse with heart button
Långa smala handtag / Long narrow handles

Locket är fäst på baksidan med en remsa av bomullstyg. The top is fastened to the back of the purse with a string of cotton fabric.

När jag kviltade på väskan valde jag flerfärgad tråd och har också betonat de infällda bomullstygerna med broderistygn. På detta sätt fick jag mycket liv i ytan. When I have quilted the surface of the purse I have used multicolored thread to get the surface shine. I have also used decorative stitches from my sewing machine to get more accent to the embedded cotton strings.

Här syns tydligt hur den flerfärgade tråden får väskan nästan att glittra. You could see here how the multicolored thread almost get the surface to shine.

Laurel Burch fåglar som finns på locket är så kul. The lining on the top cover is an old fabric from Laurel Burch. I love those cool birds.

Jag tyckte att det var kul att sätta till några prairie points på framsidan. Kul att titta på när man öppnar väskan.I have decorated the front of the purse with some prairie points, as I thought it could be a very decorative detail on the purse.
Jag tror att det inte dröjer länge innan jag syr nästa väska i samma modell, kanske lite förändrad.
Next purse will be in the same model, maybe with some changes and sewn of old jeans.


Dots on Dots and a give away from Sweden

It is now my day on Dots on Dots. I am Britt-Inger from Malmo,  a city in the south of Sweden  
T his is my second blog hop and it is has been sew fun to follow all the creative ladies and their projects.

The Bowls with Borders , which was my first  blog hop was sew fun to follow and Dots on Dots has been sew exciting too.

My first intention was to make  a block with a theme connected to Sweden. And what could be more Swedish than the  Dalecarlian horses, horses carved of wood and painted according to a traditional pattern.The most common color is red with decorations in white, blue, yellow  and red.

I lived for  a short period forty years ago in Dalecarlia, which is a county in the middle of Sweden and there  I bought a little  herd of three  wooden horses in traditional red color.
My three Dalecarlian horses

I wonder how many red  Dalecarlian horses have  traveled abroad together as souvenirs. They must be several thousands, even if a horse is quite expensive. 
Some years ago I visited Dalecarlia again and I fell in love with this beauty. Isn´t he a wonderful black  horse?

I wanted of course to make a block with a Swedish Dalecarlian horse. Could I then make a dotted horse in purple  and use Kaffe Fasset´s dotted fabric? Purple is one of my favorite colors, the other one i lime green. Of course I could sew a purple Dalecarlian horse.
I started to cut a square of fabric 8,5 inch  from yellow dotted fabric. 
I then cut 20 squares 2.5 inch  with large dots to surround the middle square.
The  finished  block ended to the size 12.5 inch.
I then drew a horse with decorations to get a pattern for the applique. 
I have used fusible appliqué and then I have  sewn the appliqués to the background by machine.
The only handsewn detail on the block is the eye of the horse.

I couldn´t of course stop there, I wanted this horse to be  a pillow. And surrounded the block with strips in lime green ( my favorite color  too) that I cut 1,5 inch wide. As I love Kaffe Fasset´s design and all the fabric I have used was from his design I finished with a blooming fabric from his design too. I have cut this border 3 inch wide .
 I have  used thin batting for the front of the pillow and quilted the front. For the back I have used the same blooming fabric as in the wide border. 
I have an opening in the middle of the back  of the pillow case, I simply let two pieces of fabric go wrap about three inches , of course with hems where the wrap is.  I have  put the front and the back with the wrong sides together and closed the pillow case with a normal binding.  
This pillow case will suit a a  square pillow of 20 inches.

Cant you see how happy I am with that pillow? I have found all fabric in my stash.

And if you want to sew a horse like that you could my pattern to in the link Dalecarlian horse .
If you use fusible appliqué you have to reverse the pattern.
But playing with dots was sew fun that I had to make some more. This time I had to buy some fabric. The motif was clear. I love birds and why not make a block with a bird in it.
I drew a bird and some flowers as a applique pattern. Cut a background square 8,5 inches and surrounded the background square in the same way  as the horse block with 20 2,5 inch squares.
The block became then 12,5 inch. 

I ended up making two blocks as I wanted to  get a table runner. I then made some fourpatches , completerd with two borders and finally ended up with this table runner.

I then decided to stop with my dots, but  as I  found some  lovely dotted fabric in my stash, which  I had completely forgotten, I must make some more.
 When I did Bowls with Borders I have added some funny birds to one of the wall quilts , that the blog hop ladies were so excited about. Why not make something with a bird like them. I used a background square 12,5 inch with a beautiful dotted black fabric and then placed a funny bird talking to a flower. 

It was sew fun playing with the bird and the flower that I had to make two of them
The blocks ended up as mug rugs 

The back of the mug rug is of course with dots too on beautiful lime green.

If you want to make the funny bird talking the flower I have made a pattern for you
and if you use fusible appliqué you have to reverse it. You will find the pattern here

Now to my give away.
I am very fond of necklaces and bracelets and I have many of them. Some years ago I bought a necklace and a bracelet with a Dalecarlian horse pendant from  a Swedish designer with the brand named Baglady.
I haven´t used them very often and I had completely forgotten that I had them until I started to sew my Dalecarlian horse.

One blog hop lady will receive the necklace and a second  lady will receive the bracelet. You can´t chose which one to get it is only the chance. 
To get one of these jewelry you have to write a comment  for one chance  to win.
To get a second chance to win you have to be a new follower or you are already a follow,and leave a  seconde comment of this.
I will draw the lucky winners on Sunday 23rd and will post the name Monday 24th.
If you comment as a anonym you have to be sure that I could find your e-mail address.

Finally  I want to thank Corrie and Madame Samm who have made all this fun to happen and so far it has been sew wonderful and sew addictive.

And you have now  seen all my dotty projects.
Here are all the  ladies for today
Hill Valley Quilter (that´s me)


Fortsättning höstväska / Continue Fall Purse

I går sydde jag flitigt på min höstväska. Sydde fram och bakstycke till väskan. Kviltade på samma sätt som på locket med flerfärgad tråd. Jag trodde att jag hade en passande knapp och gick igenom alla knappaskar, men hittade tyvärr ingen som passade. Så idag blir det en tur ner till stan på cykeln till Greger för att hitta en passande knapp.
Det är mycket detaljer kvar att sy. Jag har tänkt sätta prarieponts i ena sidsömmen i bomullstyg, kan bli dekorativt tror jag.
I continued yesterday to sew on my fall purse. I sew front and back of the purse, and quilted in the same way like the top of the purse. I needed a button for the closure, but I couldn´t find any which I like in my button stash. I will later  today take a tour on my bike to a shop down to buy a button.
There are more details to sew, I think it will take some more days before my purse is done.


Början på en höstväska / Start with a fall purse

Efter att ha sytt på projekt till mitt blog inlägg Dots on Dots 19 september var jag sugen på att sy något helt annat. För säkert mer än fem år sedan köpte jag ett AnnAka mönster, hennes Gladväska och det har sedan dess legat oprövat. När jag nu ville sy en väska, kom jag att tänka på det mönstret. Jag ville sy en väska i ylletweed kombinerat med lapptäckstyger. Efter en tur upp på vinden  efter ylletyg, kom jag så i gång.
Nu är väsklocket klart och jag är väldigt nöjd med det så långt. Jag har använt olikfärgad tråd i klara färger till att kvilta med och jag gillar verkligen effekten, som trots att det inte är något glitter i tråden, så får kviltningen tyget att glittra lite.
My project on Dots on Dots are ready for publishing 19th of September, and I have since long wanted to sew a new purse for fall. I have decided to use wool tweed as the main fabric for the purse and then complete with details in quilting fabric. After that I found the wool at the attic I have started to sew the purse. I have had the pattern from a Norwegian designer since more than five years ago, and now was the right moment to use it. She has called the pattern Happy Purse and let´s see if I could make it a Happy Purse for me. 
I have now sewn the top of the purse. I  have quilted the top with a variable thread in bold color. I think it made great liveliness in the surface.
Väsklocket / The top of the purse
Baksida på locket / The back of the top of the purse