
Dockan Greta / Greta the doll

Får jag presentera Greta som jag sydde i går och idag. Mönstret har jag köpt på internet hos
 RetroMama. Dockan var kul att sy, lite pillig, fick fixa lite, eftersom min maskin nafsade bort en hörna, när jag sydde. Nu skall jag sy kläder till henne, fast hon egentligen redan har kläder på. Dockan skall jag behålla själv, men om man syr till små barn, får man sy filtknappar i stället de bling bling knappar som jag sytt. Jag tror att hon skall få en kompis Britta lite senare. Tygerna som jag använt är Kaffe tyger naturligtvis.
May I introduce you to Greta, a doll I have finished today from starting yesterday. The pattern is from 
RetroMama. Greta was fun to sew, even if I had some problems with my sewing machine, that ate a corner of the doll. I had to solve the problem with adding a heart in felt in the corner of her dress.
I have embellished the doll with some buttons of glass as this will be only mine and not a gift to a child.
I will now sew a dress for her and a cape, because it is fun and later I will sew her a friend, Britta.
Don´t you think she is a cutie. The fabric is from my favorite Kaffe Fasset.


Harrys täcke Harry´s quilt

I går var jag hemma hos mina föräldrar och då passade jag på att fotografera täcket som jag sytt till min systers nya barnbarn Harry. Jag sydde det efter ett mönster i Rikstäcket nr 93, som kom i våras. Då hade jag sytt mönstertäcket i vitt bakgrundstyg och med charms, men nu ville jag använda upp de barntyger som jag samlat under några års tid. Sedan ville jag ha färgerna att lysa och valde svart bakgrundstyg. Jag har kviltat täcket med raka linjer och runt om stjärnorna. Sedan har jag använt mönstersömmar i bårderna.
Jag använde också rester till bakstycket, köpte bara lite blått enfärgat tyg på Stoff och Stil. Kvilttråden på framsidan är en rayontråd som skiftar från grått till svart och baksidan har en flerfärgad tråd.
Min maskin är nyservad och den syr som en dröm.
I took yesterday a daytrip to my parents. I took some nice pictures in my parents garden  of the quilt that I have made for my sister´s newly born grandchild, a boy named Harry. I had some children fabrics in my stash that I wanted to use. I only had to buy some solid blue fabric for some pieces on the back side of the quilt.
I used a pattern that I have made before in white and with a charmpack, but this time I wanted to use up as much as possible of my scraps and from my stash. As children love colors, the fabric is very colorful and that is why I have chosen solid black as background. I have also made a pieced backing full of color.
Harry´s quilt

Harry´s quilt backing

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My Wicked day

It´s my  wicked day and time for the witch  to fly


We don´t have Halloween in Sweden, the commercial interests couldn´t get  the Swedes to be influenced to feast Halloween. You could see some pumpkins for sale in the shops, but not so much more. No spiders, no skeletons and no ghosts and not even one witch.
At first I  hadn´t any idea what to sew, and I  started to blame myself being so hasty to hop in something that I  couldn´t maybe  manage to get something out of it. 

But as I love challenges, I thought  there must be some solutions to my problems and I must find some idea of what to create.

I started to google in order  to find some Halloween posters to get inspirations to create my wicked projects.
And what I found were Halloween witches that seemed to be   some kindreds and look alike to our Påskkäringar,  Easter bitches. 

Påskkärring is very much part of the old Easter traditions even into Christian times and some traditions are still practiced.

Påskkärring is a witch with a hideous face and a large nose, dressed in head cloth and a wide robe, flying through the air on a broomstick. The stick should be used with the broom in front (often wrongly depicted). With her on the broomstick is a black cat (always a symbol of bad luck and sometimes a transformation of the devil) and a coffee-pot (coffee grains were used to predict the future or cast evil spells).

All påskkärringar (plural form) gather on the hill Blåkulla for a "congress" during the  Easter where they meet with the devil. The major travelling days are Wednesday and Maundy Thursday. Many claims have been made as to where in Sweden this Blåkulla is located. A recent claim is on Blå Jungfrun, a small island i between the Öland island and the mainland.

I then got the fantastic idea to transform a Swedish påskkärring to an American Halloween witch with a Swedish touch.
I started to sketch and draw my witch and I have had so fun making my wicked lady with the necessary attributes, but I found it difficult to  give her a large nose and  grim face, my witch is maybe to pretty but I think she is cool.

I started with a grey background fabric  of 12,5 inches square,

My  witch is enjoying her journey through the blowing  winds lazy  resting on the broomstick,  as it was a flying carpet with her head on  a big fat cat as her pillow. Her companions are a black raven sitting on her knee and a big spider on her breast. And don´t you love her sexy  stockings and her boots.

 The landscape is Swedish with a church tower embellished with a golden cock, here is the Swedish touch to the Halloween.
Dont you think she is a very cool and wicked lady??
I had so fun making the witch and I hope that you will enjoy my wicked wall quilt and my story of the Swedish påskkärring.
I hope  that I have given you  some good and hearty laughters.

A great thanks for Madame Samm and Wendy Witch for organizing and doing this fantastic blog hop

This was my wicked project and be more wicked and visit the other wicked ladies today

Hill Valley Quilter (That´s me)


Wonky Stars

Häromdagen sydde jag klart kvilttoppen med skeva stjärnor. Och i går började jag med att sy baksidan, som också kommer att bestå av hopsydda restlappar. På det sättet kan Harry när han blir större, kolla in de roliga figurerna på baksidan och jag blir av med ytterligare fler restbitar. Jag köpte en bit enfärgat blått tyg att blanda in i de mönstrade restbitarna.
The quilt top to Harry, my sisters grandchild is done. I am now constructing the backing, which will be pieced from my stash with kid fabrics. I have bought a solid blue to blend with the printed fabric.
Wonky stars quilt top